Wednesday 23 September 2009

Don't let the bastards grind you down

Last week was a pretty bad week for me at work.
This week, so far, has been slightly better.
Of course people at work have still got on my nerves with their unprofessional ways, inability to communicate effectively and most of all their monumental laziness.
However I decided that I was most definitely not going to let the bastards grind me down.
After all I work to live, I don't live to work!

Friday 18 September 2009

I tried, I really did...

I tried, I really did, to have a quiet, stress-free day at work. I seemed to spend all day yesterday moaning and getting wound up by other people so this morning I thought to myself - enough, stay calm, just get on with the work etc. etc. But did the bastards let me? No, they fucking didn't. One after another they conspired against me to drive me fucking insane!
Still it's the weekend. Time to chill while I can because I know it will start all over again on Monday!

Thursday 17 September 2009

Fuck 'em all

Left the TMO committee today after 3 years of putting up with endless shite. No fucker even asked why. Fuck 'em! Ungrateful that's what people are.

As for work - don't even talk to me about the crap I put up with there. Some teachers have to be constantly spoon-fed like fucking babies. No wonder the children in this country are in such a mess. These teachers have the cheek to comment on their pupils inability to take responsibility for themselves and then want every fucking thing done for them - 'I can't open my excel file' WAH! 'Can you print it out for me?' BOO-HOO!