Sunday 9 September 2012

Conformity and Individuality

At the school where I work the new term has meant a new name, new uniform for Years 7 -11 and dress code for the 6th form students and staff. No, we haven't become an academy but the whole site is being rebuilt and the school re-branded. Hence the changes. 

I have nothing against school uniforms and I do think people should dress in an appropriately professional way. However in the debate leading up to these changes issues about other aspects of individuals appearance were also raised such as so-called extreme hair cuts and colours and excessive make up and jewellery. Opinions on these are far more subjective than say wearing old jeans and combats, yet they have become part of the dress code. How far should an individuals right to express themselves via their choice of clothes, hair, make-up, jewellery be curtailed in the name of looking 'professional'? 

Even for the students I am concerned that so much conformity will stifle their individuality. Admittedly many already conform in a different way; peer-pressure and media influences take their toll on youth. It's been a long time since I was a teenager but I remember how hard it is to work out who you are. Bloody hell I was in my 30s before I had any idea.

As well as this imposition of conformity in appearance there are other issues. Like the new IT system which doesn't allow you to make a shortcut on the desktop let alone have a background of your choice. Fonts, printer settings, everything has been dictated and while I understand the need for some corporate uniformity too much makes for a very boring work environment. A new door entry system will also mean movement of staff can be tracked. Plus we have been advised how to modify the way we talk in public so that no one over hears us saying anything bad about the school.

We all conform at sometime or another but if we are not allowed to be individual in even some small ways we may as well be Borg.