Thursday 25 October 2012

Suffer little children

Child-related benefits may be 'capped' at two children

Personally in this over-crowded planet of ours I think families should be small. However why should children suffer for their parent's decision to keep breeding? What will the government do next? Remove 'excess' children from their families and sell them on eBay to plug the deficit?

This is so typical of government to blame a tiny minority of people claiming benefit for the country's financial woes while corporations and wealthy individuals find a myrid of ways to aviod paying tax and the government continues to do nothing about it. Starbucks 'paid just £8.6m UK tax in 14 years' And the sick joke is that many more people are entitled to benefits that they just don't claim Billions in benefits go unclaimed, DWP figures show

Wednesday 10 October 2012

There's still a long way to go

Malala Yousafzai

I had not heard of this young woman until I saw the story on the news yesterday. There has apparently been much 'international' condemnation but none it seems from Islamic religious leaders; at least none reported. But this is not a post about religion. This is a call to women everywhere to stand up and fight for their rights. No one, NO MAN, is going to give you the right to education, to vote, to work, to choose how to live your life - you have to fight for it.