Thursday 22 November 2012


Skyfall has all the usual Bond features; exotic locations, Istanbul, Shanghai, Macau; a mad villain,  Raoul Silva, played by Javier Bardem (2008 Oscar supporting actor winner for playing another looney tunes in No Country for Old Man); beautiful women, Naomie Harris as Eve & Bérénice Marlohe as Sévérine; plus cars, chases and lots of shooting and explosions. Everything to keep Bond fans happy then.

Apparently not. Some people I know that have seen Skyfall were disappointed. Not me. We really thought it was great, even better than Daniel Craig’s first outing in Casino Royale and far superior to the forgettable Quantum of Solace.

Without giving too much away the plot begins with a stolen list of agents and Bond going MIA after being shot by a baddie and Eve who, on the command of M (Judi Dench), is forced to ‘take the shot’ when Bond is fighting the baddie. While Bond remains missing presumed dead M16 comes under attack and this time it’s personal – M is target of the frankly bonkers villain, Silva. Bond chooses to return to London and to M, who is also under pressure to resign. Despite Bond’s lack of fitness M sends him out into the field to track down Silva – cue action, death and destruction.

I’m not a massive fan of Bond films. I understand they are a genre of their own and view them as such. Skyfall stands out for me because while it has all the Bond ingredients, for a change you really get a sense of the characters emotions and feelings of love, duty and loyalty.
What next for the Bond film franchise? There are rumours that Skyfall will be the last Daniel Craig Bond film and that the lovely Idris Elba may play the first black Bond. Interesting as that prospect is what I would like to see is a female agent as least as tough and resourceful as Bond, or at least for Bond to actually save the girl for a change!