Monday 2 February 2009

Moan of the day 02/02/09

Today London has almost ground to a halt because of the 'adverse weather condition' i.e. snow. This morning I looked out at a very pretty scene but was not looking forward to going out in it especially as there were no buses running (my usual mode of transport to work). But I wrapped up warm & set off for work, braving the slippery pavements and the horror that is the Northern line. Now I left early and the journey to Morning Crescent was not as bad as I thought it might be, even if the 7 minutes on the indicator board was actually more like 10. Unfortunately when I did reach by work-place I discovered it was closed (I work in a school. I am not a teacher).
Well that was a bit annoying but worse was to come. The journey back home took over an hour instead of the 40 minutes it took to get there, mainly because there was a lot of people at Euston & the trains were few. It's the behaviour of some of the people that gets me. One train was coming out of service at Euston and despite repeated pleas from the station staff people still wouldn't stand back to let the train empty, just making the situation worse. And when I did get on a train nearly everyone was wrapped up in their own selfishness that just made getting on and off horrible for all. Good news for me is I don't have to go the work tomorrow & when I do I hope I don't have to use the tube again!

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