Friday 16 March 2012

Why archaeologists make me annoyed

Anglo-Saxon Christian grave find near Cambridge 'extremely rare'
This item on BBC news website is really annoying. Now I know that when the media reports academic work it often simplifies the findings / theories etc. But if any of the quotes given are in the least bit accurate it is just another example of the way archaeologists make huge assumptions about their finds.
Here they have found a grave of a teenage girl buried with a gold and garnet cross. The cross they assume is a sign of Christianity and therefore presumably the faith of the girl. This maybe not be the case at all. 
How can anyone possibly now what this unknown girl believed? Unless the girl is identified and some other proof of her faith is discovered all we really know is she was buried with a cross.
Now as a deceased person has no control over how they are buried and what with, it could be argued that those that buried her were Christian. But again we cannot know that for certain. The cross may have been looted or even found and just a favourite piece of the girl. 
Archaeologists need to be more honest and say 'we just don't know what the significance of this find' because they really can only hypothesize.

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