Tuesday 8 May 2012

Avengers Assemble

Mate of mine went to see Avengers Assemble this weekend after reading good reviews, and my recommendation. She enjoyed it but said the film had been over-hyped. I said that's why I don't really take too much notice of reviews. Thing is as individuals we pretty much know what kind of films we'll enjoy and unless we hear something very bad about a film our own judgement is usually pretty sound.

So what made me go and see Avengers Assemble then? Well firstly I really enjoyed Iron Man and like Robert Downey Jr.and then when I read that Joss Whedon, creator of one of my all-time favourite TV series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, was the director and wrote the script I was hopeful that the film would be great entertainment. And it is.

I saw it in 3D, a format I still think is over-rated, and in my opinion it didn't add the visual effects, which were very good. Like all good comic-book adaptations the visuals and stunts are excellent. But it's the characters and the brilliant dialogue that raises Avengers Assemble above the majority of such films. Of course it could be said that the film benefits from the familiarity of  the main characters. Iron Man (aka Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr), Captain America (aka Steve Rogers played by Chris Evans), Thor (played by Chris Hemsworth) and The Incredible Hulk (aka Bruce Banner played for the first time by Mark Ruffalo) have all had previous screen time yet this is not necessarily a good thing. Ensemble pieces do not always work and if the viewer is not familiar with the characters it can be difficult to relate. This is overcome in Avengers Assemble; enough back story is given to make the story line make sense.

The story is basic - The Earth is in danger from Loki (Thor's adopted brother, excellently played by Tom Hiddleston, in the perfect villain blend of sinister and camp) who plans to open a vortex and lead an army to subjugate the human race. Desperate to save the world, especially as he is in part to blame for Loki's being able to pose this danger, Nick Fury of SHIELD (played by Samuel L. Jackson), gathers together a force to take on the threat.

As well as the characters already mentioned there are 2 additional members of the Avengers Initiative; Agent Natasha Romanoff aka The Black Widow (played by Scarlett Johansson), a former assassin with a dark past, and  Agent Clint Barton aka Hawkeye (played by Jeremy Renner and is not on screen nearly enough for my liking!). As you would expect from Joss Whedon, Agent Romanoff is more than just eye-candy for the boys - she is smart and kicks ass as good as the next man.

The Avengers big egos as well as alter-egos and this gives for tension in the ranks and snappy dialogue.  Get a taste of the dialogue here There are also questions of honesty to overcome. In the end though through the death of another character (no spoilers here) the Avengers come together to fight the good fight. And no doubt line up for a sequel.

My Hero

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