Wednesday 17 April 2013


Today Margaret Thatcher's funeral takes place at great public expense and inconvenience to Londoners. Personally I'm not one of those people who have been singing 'ding dong the witch is dead' since the announcement of Thatcher death last week. I never liked her politics and policies which, in my opinion, brought forth the very worst aspects of selfishness and greed in this country. But as I didn't know her and as in her later years she came across as somewhat pathetic I see no point in relishing the death of an old woman who has been out of politics and the public eye for so long.
I do object to the state-style funeral today though, especially the cost. Much has been said about Thatcher being a divisive charachter, admired by some and reviled by others; either way she is not deserving of such a funeral; her time in office is nothing to praise and after she did sod all.

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