Saturday 10 January 2009

Moan of the week 10/01/09

I'm back. The reason I've not posted for a while is not because I've given up moaning but because I've spend so much time at work staring at the computer screen I just couldn't be arsed to go even switch my home pc on! That and the fact I'm a lazy cow as well as a moany one.
So what to complain about this week? Work, people, the weather? All annoying in their way but I thought why not moan about the fact that I can't have a cigarette in a pub or cafe or restaurant.
I know smoking isn't good for me but everyone has to have at least one vice. What pisses me off is that if everyone gave up smoking the government would lose far more in tax revenue than it would save through the alleged cost to the NHS. What's more considering there is always talk of a pensions crisis because people are living longer, the fact that us smokers apparently die young means we are doing the country a service! But what really makes me mad is the reason given for banning smoking in public buildings is supposed to be to protect the workers, yet every time I walk past a pub or restaurant I see the staff outside having a fag.
Tobacco is not an illegal substance so leave us smokers alone!

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