Tuesday 30 December 2008

Today I have been thinking about New Year's Resolutions

Being bored at work I began to think about New Year's Resolutions. It is that time of year after all and you can tell this by the number of ads for nicotine replacement products!
Now as you would expect from an moany old cow & full-time cynic like me, I don't go in for New Year's Resolutions. However, like many a pessimist, I am deep down a closet optimist. Despite myself I can't help but hope that next year will be better than this year.
And that makes me ask myself 'what can I do to improve my life?' Give up being a moany old cow, I hear you cry. Never! If there is one thing I will never give up it's moaning! Even though the one thing I would like to be more than anything is to be content. Sigh!

Sunday 28 December 2008

Moan of the week 28/12/08

At the end of the festive week you may have thought that even a moany old cow like me wouldn't find anything to moan about. And indeed, I have had a very happy Xmas. But today I heard something that really got my goat.
Apparently our leader, PM Gordon Brown, in his New Year message (I thought only Queenie made annual messages), is to call upon us citizens of Britain to 'display the same spirit' in this time of economic crisis as our predecessors did in World War II. Apart from the gall of the man, who is as much to blame for the crisis as anyone, this is absolutely insulting to anyone who fought in or lived through that or indeed any war. Economic recession cannot in any way be compared to the horror of war. To do so is beneath contempt.

Monday 22 December 2008

Moan of the day 22/12/08

I had the news on TV this morning before going to work. Well it was supposed to be the news but most of what I saw was taken up with the result of Strictly Come Dancing. This is not news. This is trivia. Personally I really don't care about the antics of these so-called celebrities (most of whom I've never even heard of) who only do these kind of programmes for the money & publicity. But I really object to them becoming the subject of a news item.

Sunday 21 December 2008

Moan of the week 21/12/08

It never ceases to amaze me how two-faced people can be. I've known this for years of course, but even so when confronted with it I still find it shocking. Yes, even an old cynic like me can be shocked by the less than perfect side of human nature. At least my encounter with this unfortunate trait this week has been with someone I've not known long so I've been forewarned!

Friday 19 December 2008

Moan of the day 19/12/08

When is a party not a party? When all you get is 2 small glasses of wine & a few sandwiches. Just as well I had another party to go to!

Thursday 18 December 2008

Moan of the day 18/12/08

People are strange when you're a stranger - so the song goes. And it is true. How they act towards you one day can be different the next and no matter how friendly you attempt to be there are just some people who just look at you like you're f***ing mad. To mis-quote Morrissey 'why do I bother with people who don't care if I live or die?' F*** 'em that's what I say! I can't be arsed with arsy folk.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Moan of the day 17/12/08

I am so bored I could cry, but crying is boring too. I had a little boredom relief from a website last night but I can't be arsed with it tonight. Why is life so f***ing dull?

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Moan of the day 16/12/08

Why is it that when someone else is stressed or has something go wrong, I remain an island of calm & good sense but as soon as something goes wrong for me I turn into a complete idiot? I get stressed out, confused and find it almost impossible to take advice from anyone because it just makes me feel even more stupid. I really annoy myself sometimes!

Monday 15 December 2008

Moan of the day 15/12/08

This morning when I opened my front door I was greeted by the less than lovely sight of a huge amount of pigeon s*** on my doorstep! This is not the first time, nor will it be the last until these flying rats are severely culled. People who feed pigeons or who carelessly drop food in public should be locked up in a room full of these vermin until they are covered in s***.

Sunday 14 December 2008

Moan of the week 14/12/08

Of all of life's many irritations the one that has bothered me the most this week is the horror that is the festive drinker. These creatures only emerge at this time of year to infect every pub & bar with noise, hysteria & the uncanny ability to invade ones personal space by merely existing. Half a shandy is enough to set them off baying like hounds and falling all over the place. Being pack animals makes them even worse. They hog all the best seats, public transport & the pavements and seem to believe they are the only people in the world that have a right to be there. Well they don't. There should be special camps for these idiots, well away from the rest of us who just want a drink with friend in peace. Bah Humbug!

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Moan of the day 10/12/08

I hate being cold - it sucks! I have always felt the cold and moaned about it. My mum always used to say 'what you gonna do when the winter comes?' Well the bloody winter is here & it's f***ing freezing!

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Moan of the day 09/12/08

Why are people on buses so ignorant? Recently I have had to start travelling to work by bus everyday. Tonight the bus wasn't as packed as normal and with only a couple of irritating , foul mouthed school girls on board I was hoping for a relatively stress free journey. But no. The woman I was sitting next too kept giving me sideways looks just because she had to put her bag on her lap to let me sit down and had a bit less elbow room to text on her mobile phone. This just so typical. No one likes travelling on a busy bus in the rush hour but people like her (and there are far too many) just make it worse for everyone.